Обслужване на клиенти - Chat - търсене свободни работни места и продължават при поискване

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Обслужване на клиенти - Chat& Email

Обслужване на клиенти - Chat& Email


Обслужване на клиенти - Chat&Email от 2000 лв. до 3000 лв. гр. Пловдив, Старият град днес Постоянна


Сътрудник обслужване клиенти

Сътрудник обслужване клиенти


Сътрудник обслужване клиенти Работа › Продавачи и касиери 980 лв Сътрудник обслужване на клиентиОсновната дейност на фирмата е сферата на търговията и услугите Имаме дългогодишен опит в почистване и обслужване на автомобили както и търговска дейност в продажбата на... гр. Видин днес Наблюдавай Сътрудник обслужване на клиентиОсновната дейност на фирмата е сферата на търговията и услугите Имаме дългогодишен опит в почистване и обслужване на автомобили както и търговска дейност в продажбата на масла филтри и резервни части . Oсновни задължения на кандидата- Посреща гостите на фирмата .Издава фактури и обработва информация от служители на фирмата .Води кореспонденция с доставчици както и осигурява връзка с клиенти на фирмата. ИЗИСКВАНИЯ. Средно или више образувание ;компютърна грамотност ; динамичен характер и добре организиран .Моля предложете ваша актуална снимка и SV. Обаждане по телефон не е препоръчително.


Специалист обслужване на клиенти

Специалист обслужване на клиенти


Специалист обслужване на клиенти до 1500 лв. По договаряне гр. София, Военна рампа днес Постоянна


Консултант обслужване на клиенти

Консултант обслужване на клиенти


Консултант обслужване на клиенти обява за работа в София, Горна Баня Длъжност : Работа като КРЕДИТЕН КОНСУЛТАНТ ИЗИ АСЕТ МЕНИДЖМЪНТ Фирма Граждански договор Търговия, Продажби, Финанси Подходяща за студенти, Подходяща за пенсионери ? За да станеш Кредитен консултант е достатъчно да си комуникативен и амбициозен, без ограничение за пол, възраст, образование и стаж. Като Кредитен консултант ти: ? Работиш в утвърдена и отгово..


Консултант обслужване на клиенти /Бои/

Консултант обслужване на клиенти /Бои/


Консултант обслужване на клиенти /Боиот 1000 лв. до 1200 лв. гр. София, Враждебна днес


Младши специалист обслужване на клиенти

Младши специалист обслужване на клиенти


Младши специалист обслужване на клиенти гр. Пловдив, Център днес Постоянна


Технически съпорт и обслужване на клиенти

Технически съпорт и обслужване на клиенти


Технически съпорт и обслужване на клиенти Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти 2 500 лв Ние сме аутсоурс компания, която предлага услуги, в областта на обслужването на клиенти и клиентски съпорт на различни езици. Компанията предлага работа на повече от 2800 души в офиси из цялата страна... гр. София, Оборище днес Наблюдавай Ние сме аутсоурс компания, която предлага услуги, в областта на обслужването на клиенти и клиентски съпорт на различни езици. Компанията предлага работа на повече от 2800 души в офиси из цялата страна, а също така и от вкъщи. Наемаме хора на различни позиции в зависимост от предишен опит в областаа на ИТ технологиите - Storage, Networking, Security, Servers, Linix, Virtualization, or Database. Нашите идеални кандидати трябва да притежават: - Опит в сверата на ИТ технологиите - Много добро владеене на Англииски език (Б2+) - Отлично владеене на втори език - Италиански, Испански, Немски, Френски или Португалски - Опит в 2 или повече ИТ технологии - Аналитично мислене и възможност за решаване на поблеми в динамична среда - Силно желание за развитие и използването на нови технологии в решаването на проблеми Ние предлагаме: - Гъфкаво работно време - Адекватно заплащане спрямо стандартите за позицията - Ваучери за храна - Допълнително здравно осигуряване и застраховка живот - Възможност за кариерно развитие - Тиимбилдинги - Възможност за работа от вкъщи С нетърпение очакваме да разгледаме вашите CV-та. Можете да ги прикачите тук или на hr.reqruits@gmail.com Успех на висчки кандидати!


Каним мениджър за обслужване на клиенти

Каним мениджър за обслужване на клиенти


Каним мениджър за обслужване на клиенти Работа › Мениджъри и експерти Строителната компания изисква мениджър за обслужване на клиенти. Задължения:Поставяне на реклама за търсене на клиенти, получаване на повиквания, работа с клиенти, подписване на договори. Плащане: зап... гр. София, Лозенец днес Наблюдавай Строителната компания изисква мениджър за обслужване на клиенти. Задължения: Поставяне на реклама за търсене на клиенти, получаване на повиквания, работа с клиенти, подписване на договори. Плащане: заплата плюс лихва от изпълнени проекти. Платени са телефон и транспорт.


Младши сътрудник, Обслужване на клиенти – гр. София

Младши сътрудник, Обслужване на клиенти – гр. София


Младши сътрудник, Обслужване на клиенти – гр. София Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници VIVACOM е лидер в предоставянето на съвременни телекомуникационни услуги, които отговарят на най-високите професионални стандарти - мобилни и фиксирани гласови услуги, оптичен интернет, цифрова телеви... гр. София 31 януари Наблюдавай VIVACOM е лидер в предоставянето на съвременни телекомуникационни услуги, които отговарят на най-високите професионални стандарти - мобилни и фиксирани гласови услуги, оптичен интернет, цифрова телевизия, до индивидуални телекомуникационни решения, направени по поръчка на клиента. Позицията е входяща за компанията и е подходяща за всеки, който иска да постави висок старт в своята професионална кариера. Всяка година приблизително 10% от служителите намират своето развитие на по-високи и престижни позиции в компанията. Сред най-предпочитаните отдели са: Корпоративни продажби, Човешки ресурси, Продукти и услуги, Магазинна мрежа, ИТ и други. Ако не се разделяш от телефона с часове. Ако обичаш да общуваш и да помагаш на другите. Ако харесваш динамиката и с усмивка посрещаш предизвикателствата. Ако си изпълнителен и последователен. Тогава ние ти предлагаме: Да започнеш своята кариера в най-голямата телекомуникационна компания в България, като се занимаваш с това, което обичаш да правиш. Да попаднеш в опитен екип от енергични и позитивни професионалисти, които ще те подкрепят в професионалния ти път. Да натрупаш знания и умения, които да развият потенциала ти и да ти помогнат да постигаш повече и повече всеки ден. Да се чувстваш уважаван и ценен, като получаваш стимулиращо възнаграждение според постигнатите резултати и разнообразни придобивки. Да работиш в приятелска среда, с гъвкаво работно време Ти си… Комуникативен Отзивчив Динамичен С отлична дикция С опит в обслужването на клиенти На „ти“ с компютрите и технологиите Позицията… Отговаряш на входящи клиентски запитвания по телефон Оказваш съдействие относно услуги, тарифи, промоции и технически проблеми Спазваш стандартите на компанията за обслужване на клиенти Начин на кандидатстване Моля натиснете бутон „Кандидатствай”, за да изпратите автобиография и мотивационно писмо за позицията, не по-късно от 28 февруари 2020 г. Само одобрените по документи кандидати ще бъдат поканени на интервю. БТК EАД, с ЕИК 831642181 е администратор на лични данни с рег.№ 0014414. Част от данните, които предоставяте, са лични данни по смисъла на Закон за защита на личните данни и попадат под специалния му режим на защита. Предоставените от Вас лични данни ще бъдат обработвани за целите на осъществяване на подбор, както и за реализиране на законните интереси на администратора на лични данни във връзка с евентуално бъдещо сключване на трудов договор. БТК EАД може да предоставя личните Ви данни на юридически и физически лица, на които са възложени действия и дейности във връзка с осъществяване на подбор. Информираме Ви, че имате право на достъп и право на коригиране на Вашите лични данни, на възражение срещу обработването им за посочените цели, както и да бъдете уведомени преди първото разкриване на личните Ви данни.


Консултант обслужване на клиенти с немски и английски

Консултант обслужване на клиенти с немски и английски


Консултант обслужване на клиенти с немски и английски Работа › Оператори в кол център 2 300 лв В Пийпъл ООД ние имаме необходимите знания, опит и отдаденост да асистираме в намиране на работа за всеки.Нашият екип от професионалисти ще Ви отделят специално внимание и ще Ви помогнат с насоки отно... гр. София днес Наблюдавай В Пийпъл ООД ние имаме необходимите знания, опит и отдаденост да асистираме в намиране на работа за всеки.Нашият екип от професионалисти ще Ви отделят специално внимание и ще Ви помогнат с насоки относно кариерното Ви развитие. Нашите партньори се увеличават всеки ден и тяхното удовлетворение е най-добрата визитна картичка за нас.За нашите партньори търсим мотивирани и търсещи развитие хора за позиция - Консултант обслужване на клиенти с Немски език.Изисквания:Много добро владеене на Немски език (писмено и говоримо).Много добро владеене на Английски език (писмено и говоримо).Отлична компютърна грамотност - MS Office, Internet applications.Мотивация, отговорност и дисциплинираност.Отлични комуникационни и аналитични умения.Умения за работа в екип.Условия за работа:Отлично работно времеОтлични условия на работа в динамична и развиваща се компания, с мотивиран екип от професионалисти.Въвеждащо обучениеВъзможност за професионално развитиеСоциални придобивкиКомуникативна офис на информация за продуктите и услугите на компанията.Отговаряне на запитвания на клиента чрез чат, имейл и/или телефон.Комуникиране с корпоративни и крайни клиенти.Обработване и регистриране на информация в база данни.Демонстрация на емпатия и разбиране на клиента спрямо неговото запитване/проблем.People LTD has License № 230305.07.2017 for providing human resources service.4


Специалист обслужване на клиенти с немски език

Специалист обслужване на клиенти с немски език


Специалист обслужване на клиенти с немски език Работа › Оператори в кол център 1 550 лв Изкушаващите дестинации са безброй и всички мечтаем за тях. Най-желаната дестинация обаче е мечтаното работно място! Стараем се да открием какви са вашите амбиции и в каква работна среда може да разгъ... гр. Бургас днес Наблюдавай Изкушаващите дестинации са безброй и всички мечтаем за тях. Най-желаната дестинация обаче е мечтаното работно място! Стараем се да открием какви са вашите амбиции и в каква работна среда може да разгърнете потенциалa си. Вашата роля: Водите бизнес комуникация с потенциални и настоящи партньори на компанията. Възнаграждение и придобивки: Твърдо възнаграждение и бонуси от продажби. Обучение и програми за развитие, Възможност за гъвкав работен график и работа на смени. Компанията: Наш клиент е международна компания лидер в предоставянето на професионални услуги в областта на аутсорсинг индустрията. Компанията е изградила стабилна репутация на доверен партньор сред своите клиенти. Работна среда: Атрактивна работна среда в екип от професионалисти, говорещи европейски езици и възможност за изучаване на различни култури. Приятно работно място, включващо зала за игри и зони за отдих. Идеалният кандидат: Комуникативен и организиран, владеещ немски език – писмено и говоримо с професионален подход в начина на общуване. Благодарим на всички кандидатствали. Екипът ни ще се свърже само с одобрените кандидати. Всички данни, предоставени от Вас, са защитени по смисъла на ЗЗЛД и ще бъдат използвани единствено за целите на подбор. Лиценз от Националната Агенция по Заетостта N:2925


Консултант обслужване на клиенти с Английски език

Консултант обслужване на клиенти с Английски език


Консултант обслужване на клиенти с Английски език Работа › Счетоводители и финансови консултанти 1 950 лв В Пийпъл ООД ние имаме необходимите знания, опит и отдаденост да асистираме в намиране на работа за всеки.Нашият екип от професионалисти ще Ви отделят специално внимание и ще Ви помогнат с насоки отно... гр. София днес Наблюдавай В Пийпъл ООД ние имаме необходимите знания, опит и отдаденост да асистираме в намиране на работа за всеки.Нашият екип от професионалисти ще Ви отделят специално внимание и ще Ви помогнат с насоки относно кариерното Ви развитие. Нашите партньори се увеличават всеки ден и тяхното удовлетворение е най-добрата визитна картичка за нас.За нашите партньори търсим мотивирани и търсещи развитие хора за позиция - Консултант обслужване на клиентски запитвания с Английски език.Изисквания:Много добро владеене на Английски език (писмено и говоримо).Отлична компютърна грамотност - MS Office, Internet Microsoft applications.Познания по Windows OS & Networking.Предходен опит като технически съпорт.Отлични комуникационни и аналитични умения.Условия за работа:Отлично възнаграждениеСтандартно работно времеОтлични условия на работа в динамична и развиваща се компания, с мотивиран екип от професионалисти.Въвеждащо обучениеВъзможност за професионално развитиеСоциални на запитвания на клиента чрез имейл и/или remote desktop supportКомуникиране с корпоративни клиентиОбработване и регистриране на информация в база данни.Демонстрация на емпатия и разбиране на клиента спрямо неговото запитване/проблем.Колаборации с други отдели в компаниятаPeople LTD has License 230305.07.2017 for providing human resources service.4


Специалист обслужване на клиенти - Силистра - по заместване

Специалист обслужване на клиенти - Силистра - по заместване


Специалист обслужване на клиенти - Силистра - по заместване Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници Ако Вие имате:- Висше икономическо образование- Опит в работа с клиенти и/или плащания в банковата сфера (предимство)- Умения за работа с компютър (MS Office)- Добри комуникативни умения- Добро владее... гр. Силистра днес Наблюдавай Ако Вие имате: - Висше икономическо образование - Опит в работа с клиенти и/или плащания в банковата сфера (предимство) - Умения за работа с компютър (MS Office) - Добри комуникативни умения - Добро владеене на английски език (предимство) И искате да: - Продавате продуктите, които банката предлага за физически и юридически лица - Приемате, проверявате и обработвате клиентски документи и нареждания във връзка с откриване на сметки и транзакции - Поддържате досиетата на клиентите - Работите на каса с национална и чуждестранни валути При нас ще намерите: - Отлични възможности за професионално и кариерно развитие в една от водещите банки в България - Възнаграждение, съобразено с отговорностите на длъжността и пазарните нива - Бонус по мотивационна схема, обвързан с резултатите - Разнообразни възможности за учене и усъвършенстване на знанията и уменията - Динамична и предизвикателна работа - Допълнително здравно осигуряване - Застраховка ЖивотЗлополука - Ваучери за храна - Спортна карта - Преференциални условия при ползване на банкови услуги и продукти Споделете бъдещето си с нас! Изпратете Вашата автобиография като използвате бутона за кандидатстване под текста на обявата. Кандидатите, одобрени по документи, ще бъдат поканени на интервю. Конфиденциалността е гарантирана и предоставените данни са под специална защита по смисъла на ЗЗЛД. Райфайзенбанк (България) EАД е част от Групата Райфайзен Банк Интернешънъл /РБИ- една от водещите финансови институции в Централна и Източна Европа, с повече от 51 000 служители и над 14.2 милиона клиенти на 14 пазара в региона. Като една от водещите банки в България, Райфайзенбанк вече повече от 20 години предлага висококачествено обслужване на своите клиенти и възможности за учене и развитие на своите служители.


Сътрудник информационно обслужване на клиенти (8 часа)

Сътрудник информационно обслужване на клиенти (8 часа)


Сътрудник информационно обслужване на клиенти (8 часа) Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници В Теленор знаем, че всичко се променя адски бързо, особено в начина, по-който общуваме и преживяваме света. Затова определението телекомуникационна компания непрекъснато се нуждае от ново съдържание, ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай В Теленор знаем, че всичко се променя адски бързо, особено в начина, по-който общуваме и преживяваме света. Затова определението телекомуникационна компания непрекъснато се нуждае от ново съдържание, от нов смисъл, от допълнителна стойност. Ако и ти вярваш в това и си убеден, че можеш да ни помогнеш да станем по-добри във всичко, което правим, стани част от тези над 1800 амбициозни, любопитни, знаещи и можещи хора, които движат Теленор напред. Повече за нашия кол център екип: Центърът за информационно обслужване на клиенти на Теленор е главна движеща сила за високата клиентска удовлетвореност на потребителите на мобилни услуги в България. По този показател сме на първо място сред мобилните оператори на пазара. Независимите пазарни проучвания показват, че клиентите на Теленор оценяват високо помощта, получена от кол центъра на компанията, независимо от вида запитване. Очакваме от теб: • Да имаш възможност да работиш на смени • Да харесваш да комуникираш с различни хора • Да обичаш да виждаш резултата от добре свършената работа • Да се стремиш да даваш най-доброто от себе си • Да подхождаш с разбиране към различни предизвикателства Ние ще ти предложим: • Позитивна работна обстановка, предразполагаща към постигане на високи резултати. • Гъвкаво работно време • Бонус базиран на личното представяне • Преференциални цени за мобилни апарати и аксесоари • Неограничени разговори в национална мрежа и неограничен интернет в България • Ваучери за храна • Надбавка над основното възнаграждение за транспорт • Допълнително здравно осигуряване ПРЕДИЗВИКАЙ СЕБЕ СИ! ОТКРИЙ НОВИ ВЪЗМОЖНОСТИ! Само одобрените по документи кандидати ще бъдат поканени на интервю. Кандидатурите се разглеждат при пълна конфиденциалност и при спазване на приложимото законодателство относно обработването на лични данни.


Конслултант обслужване на клиенти във финансова институция

Конслултант обслужване на клиенти във финансова институция


Конслултант обслужване на клиенти във финансова институция Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници 2 000 лв Ако за теб е важно:● Да имаш сигурност - постоянна и добре платена работа;● Да си щастлив на работа – компанията ти да е отличена за работодател на годината няколкократно;● Да получиш индивидуално във... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Ако за теб е важно: ● Да имаш сигурност - постоянна и добре платена работа; ● Да си щастлив на работа – компанията ти да е отличена за работодател на годината няколкократно; ● Да получиш индивидуално въвеждащо обучение; ● Да имаш допълнителна здравна застраховка; ● Да бъдеш ценен от клиентите и колегите ти, защото си обучен професионалист; ● Колегите ти да са „Мега яки хора“. Какво ти трябва, за да работиш в Тavex: ● Да обичаш да работиш с числа и да си добър в това; ● Да имаш логическо мислене; ● Да си готов да помогнеш на всеки клиент и колега; ● Да си отговорна личност, спазваща обещанията си; ● Да следваш максимата, че “Ако не можеш да обясниш нещо на баба си, значи не си го разбрал”. Като Консултант обслужване на клиенти в Tavex ще работиш в един от фронтофисите ни, където ще се срещаш с различни хора всеки ден. Ще се научиш да търгуваш и да оценяваш експертно: ● Различни изделия със златно и сребърно съдържание в тях; ● Световно известни инвестиционни златни и сребърни кюлчета и монети; ● Над 50 вида валути и ще извършваш парични трансфери с тях. В Tavex ти ще получиш: ● Стартово възнаграждение 1200лв нето ● Месечен и годишен бонус ● Ваучери за храна 80лв нето на месец ● Здравна застраховка ● Гъвкав график ● Млад и задружен екип ● Въвеждащо обучение с индивидуален ментор ● Библиотека с книги и настолни игри ● Преференциални цени за служители ● Фирмени и екипни събития ● Частна зала за лични празненства ● Подаръци за празници ● Качествен трудов опит Кандидатствай БЕЗ CV и опит


Търсим Служители за обслужване на клиенти на кулинарен щанд

Търсим Служители за обслужване на клиенти на кулинарен щанд


Търсим Служители за обслужване на клиенти на кулинарен щанд 1540 лв. гр. София, Център днес


Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център

Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център


Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници Ако Вие сте:- С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство)- С отлични комуникативни способности- С добри компютърни умения- С добро владеене на английски език (предимст... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Ако Вие сте: - С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство) - С отлични комуникативни способности - С добри компютърни умения - С добро владеене на английски език (предимство) - Амбициозни, мотивирани и желаете работа в млад, усмихнат и динамичен колектив, то значи сте попаднали на правилното място Ако искате да: - Развиете своите умения и компетенции - Предоставяте информация за продуктите и услугите на банката с цел постигане най-високо ниво на удовлетвореност сред клиентите - Подпомагате настоящите клиенти на банката, срещащи трудности при използването на даден банков продукт/услуга - Познавате в детайли вътрешнобанковите процедури, процеси и приложни програми - Поднасяте информацията на достъпен и разбираем език При нас ще намерите: - Работа на смени и гъвкаво работно време - Отлични възможности за професионално и кариерно развитие в една от водещите банки в България - Модерна офис сграда, в близост до метростанция - Възможност за работа от вкъщи на ротационен принцип (обучителният период е задължително присъствен в офиса) - Екип от професионалисти с опит от различни сфери на бизнеса - клиентско преживяване, дигитални продажби, иновации и др. - Брутно месечно възнаграждение – 1100-1200 лв. за пълен работен ден (възможност за 6-часов работен ден) - Бонус по мотивационна схема, обвързан с месечното представяне и резултати - Допълнително здравно осигуряване - Застраховка Живот/Злополука - Ваучери за храна на месечна база - Спортна карта - Преференциални условия при ползване на банкови услуги и продукти Споделете бъдещето си с нас! Изпратете Вашата автобиография, като използвате бутона за кандидатстване под текста на обявата. Кандидатите, одобрени по документи, ще бъдат поканени на интервю. Конфиденциалността е гарантирана и предоставените данни са под специална защита по смисъла на ЗЗЛД.


Сътрудник обслужване на клиенти в иновативен спортен клуб Happy life

Сътрудник обслужване на клиенти в иновативен спортен клуб Happy life


Сътрудник обслужване на клиенти в иновативен спортен клуб Happy life Работа › Търговски представители и дистрибуция 1 100 лв Happy Life - slim&shape club предлага иновативни технологии в областта на грижата за здравето и добрата форма. Наши клиенти са основно дами, полагащи грижи за своето тяло и целящи да регулират своето ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Happy Life - slim&shape club предлага иновативни технологии в областта на грижата за здравето и добрата форма. Наши клиенти са основно дами, полагащи грижи за своето тяло и целящи да регулират своето тегло по бърз, сигурен и забавен начин. Предлагаме приятна работна атмосфера, сплотен работен екип, мотивиран към обща цел. Работния процес е свързан с обслужване на клиенти, работа на рецепция и поддържане на приятелските отношения в клуба. Качествено и отлично обслужване е основната ни цел. Затова предлагаме специализирано обучение за работа с иновативните ни уреди и обслужване на клиентите според нашите клубни правила. Опит в подобна позиция не е задължителен. Предишен опит в : фитнес центрове, спортна дейност, промоутърството, работа с клиенти, търговско представителство и други, ще се приема като предимство.. Ние предлагаме: - Трудов договор, Социални осигуровки; - Фирмено обучение - Работа в динамична среда с утвърдени корпоративни стандарти; - Работа по утвърден месечен график; - Гарантирано месечно възнаграждение и допълнителна бонусна система, свързана с постигнатите резултати от вас и целият екип. Задълженията и отговорностите на един сътрудник: - да предоставя информация на клиентите за услугите на спортния клуб; - да се грижи за удовлетвореността и комфорта на клиентите чрез индивидуален подход и внимание; - да обработва плащания, свързани със закупуването на абонаменти. Ако вие сте лъчезарна и усмихната личност готова за нови преживявания натиснете бутона отдолу и се присъедините към нашия екип. Моля,кандидатствайте с автобиография и актуална снимка. Ще се свържем само с одобрените за интервю кандидати. Изпратените от Вас документи ще бъдат разгледани при пълна конфиденциалност. Уведомяваме Ви, че всички данни, които предоставяте са защитени по смисъла на ЗЗЛД. Хисти ООД се задължава да ги пази и да не ги предоставя на трети лица


Специалист Денонощно дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център

Специалист Денонощно дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център


Специалист Денонощно дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в отдел Контактен център Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници Ако Вие сте:- С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство)- С отлични комуникативни способности- С добри компютърни умения- С добро владеене на английски език- Амбициоз... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Ако Вие сте: - С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство) - С отлични комуникативни способности - С добри компютърни умения - С добро владеене на английски език - Амбициозни, мотивирани и желаете работа в млад, усмихнат и динамичен колектив, то значи сте попаднали на правилното място Ако искате да: - Развиете своите умения и компетенции - Предоставяте информация за продуктите и услугите на банката с цел постигане най-високо ниво на удовлетвореност сред клиентите - Отговаряте на запитвания, свързани с карти, банкомати, ПОС терминали, онлайн и мобилно банкиране. - Подпомагате настоящите клиенти на банката, срещащи трудности при използването на даден банков продукт/услуга - Познавате в детайли вътрешнобанковите процедури, процеси и приложни програми - Поднасяте информацията на достъпен и разбираем език - Работите на дневни и нощни смени При нас ще намерите: - Работа на смени (дневни и нощни) и гъвкаво работно време - Отлични възможности за професионално и кариерно развитие в една от водещите банки в България - Разнообразни възможности за учене и усъвършенстване на знанията и уменията - Модерна офис сграда, в близост до метростанция - Възможност за работа от вкъщи на ротационен принцип (обучителният период е задължително присъствен в офиса) - Екип от професионалисти с опит от различни сфери на бизнеса - клиентско преживяване, дигитални продажби, иновации и др. - Брутно месечно възнаграждение – 1200 лв. и бонус по мотивационна схема, обвързан с месечното представяне и резултати - Допълнително здравно осигуряване - Застраховка Живот/Злополука - Ваучери за храна на месечна база - Спортна карта - Преференциални условия при използване на банкови услуги и продукти Споделете бъдещето си с нас! Изпратете Вашата автобиография като използвате бутона за кандидатстване под текста на обявата. Кандидатите, одобрени по документи, ще бъдат поканени на интервю. Конфиденциалността е гарантирана и предоставените данни са под специална защита по смисъла на ЗЗЛД.


Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в сектор Денонощна поддръжка на ПОС терминали и картови

Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в сектор Денонощна поддръжка на ПОС терминали и картови


Специалист Дистанционно обслужване на клиенти в сектор Денонощна поддръжка на ПОС терминали и картови Работа › Администрация и офис сътрудници Ако Вие сте:- С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство)- С отлични комуникативни способности- С добри компютърни умения- С добро владеене на английски език- Амбициоз... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Ако Вие сте: - С висше образование или сте студент в икономически специалности (предимство) - С отлични комуникативни способности - С добри компютърни умения - С добро владеене на английски език - Амбициозни, мотивирани и желаете работа в млад, усмихнат и динамичен колектив, то значи сте попаднали на правилното място Ако искате да: - Развиете своите умения и компетенции - Предоставяте информация за продуктите и услугите на банката с цел постигане най-високо ниво на удовлетвореност сред клиентите - Отговаряте на запитвания, свързани с карти, ПОС терминали, онлайн и мобилно банкиране - Подпомагате настоящите клиенти на банката, срещащи трудности при използването на даден банков продукт/услуга - Познавате в детайли вътрешнобанковите процедури, процеси и приложни програми - Поднасяте информацията на достъпен и разбираем език - Работите на дневни и нощни смени При нас ще намерите: - Работа на смени (дневни и нощни) и гъвкаво работно време - Отлични възможности за професионално и кариерно развитие в една от водещите банки в България - Разнообразни възможности за учене и усъвършенстване на знанията и уменията - Модерна офис сграда, в близост до метростанция - Възможност за работа от вкъщи на ротационен принцип (обучителният период е задължително присъствен в офиса) - Екип от професионалисти с опит от различни сфери на бизнеса - клиентско преживяване, дигитални продажби, иновации и др. - Брутно месечно възнаграждение – 1200 лв. и бонус по мотивационна схема, обвързан с месечното представяне и резултати - Допълнително здравно осигуряване - Застраховка Живот/Злополука - Ваучери за храна на месечна база - Спортна карта - Преференциални условия при използване на банкови услуги и продукти Споделете бъдещето си с нас! Изпратете Вашата автобиография като използвате бутона за кандидатстване под текста на обявата. Кандидатите, одобрени по документи, ще бъдат поканени на интервю. Конфиденциалността е гарантирана и предоставените данни са под специална защита по смисъла на ЗЗЛД.


Логистик в отдел " Поддръжка мрежови елементи и обслужване на корпоративни клиенти"

Логистик в отдел " Поддръжка мрежови елементи и обслужване на корпоративни клиенти"


Логистик в отдел "Поддръжка мрежови елементи и обслужване на корпоративни клиенти" Работа › Мениджъри и експерти Твоята роля:осигуряваш и проследяваш постоянни наличности на различните видове материали, необходими за поддръжка, ремонт и изграждане на телекомуникационни мрежи, както и за клиентски устройства;извъ... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай Твоята роля: осигуряваш и проследяваш постоянни наличности на различните видове материали, необходими за поддръжка, ремонт и изграждане на телекомуникационни мрежи, както и за клиентски устройства; извършваш качествен контрол на постъпващите и излизащите от склада материали, устройства и съответствието им с придружителните документи; извършваш периодични ревизии на състоянието и съдържанието на поверения му склад и др.; предварителна подготовка и настройка на оборудване за инсталиране на телекомуникационни услуги. Това, което ще те отличи: средно специално или висше техническо образование; опит в работата със софтуерни системи – билинг, складова програма и др.; минимум 1 година опит на същата или подобна позиция; задълбочени технически познания по телекомуникации, далекосъобщителна техника в обхвата на изпълняваната дейност; познания и умения да работиш с крайно клиентски телекомуникационни устройства умения за работа както самостоятелно, така и в екип; добра компютърна грамотност – MS Windows, MS Office, Web. Защо да избереш А1: стабилна компания в една от най-бързо развиващите се индустрии; лидера на пазара на телекомуникационни решения; предизвикателни проекти, динамика и възможности за развитие; приятелска атмосфера и иновативни идеи, които променят; обучения, съобразно личните и професионални цели; пакет от социални придобивки; допълнителни годишни бонуси при отличителни резултати. Кандидатствай сега!


Работа от вкъщи Liv Chat Assistant

Работа от вкъщи Liv Chat Assistant


Работа от вкъщи Liv Chat Assistant от 2000 лв. до 3000 лв. гр. Стара Загора, Три чучура - център днес Постоянна


Chat & Email Support - Romanian - Day Shifts

Chat & Email Support - Romanian - Day Shifts


Chat & Email Support - Romanian - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Romanian – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role,... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Romanian – Day Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5 pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player? You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience. Why we need you? We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world. Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for Your experience: While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage. Your skills: • You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Romanian and English; • Customer - obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools; Your behaviour: Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands. What’s in it for you? We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include: Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role. The Group PokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way. We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.


Chat & Email Support - German - Day Shifts

Chat & Email Support - German - Day Shifts


Chat & Email Support - German - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - German – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, s... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - German – Day Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5 pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player? You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience. Why we need you? We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world. Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for Your experience: While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage. Your skills: • You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in German and English; • Customer - obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools; Your behaviour: Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands. What’s in it for you? We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include: Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role. The Group PokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way. We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.


Chat & Email Support - French - Day Shifts

Chat & Email Support - French - Day Shifts


Chat & Email Support - French - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Day ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, s... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Day Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5 pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player? You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience. Why we need you? We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world. Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for Your experience: While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage. Your skills: • You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer - obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; •Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools; Your behaviour: Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands. What’s in it for you? We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include: • Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role. The Group PokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way. We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.


Chat Support Specialist with Italian and English

Chat Support Specialist with Italian and English


Chat Support Specialist with Italian and English Работа › Оператори в кол център 1 950 лв


Customer Support Agent with Italian - email and chat

Customer Support Agent with Italian - email and chat


Customer Support Agent with Italian - email and chat Работа › Оператори в кол център Plus500 is a successful global software company which offers a leading CFD trading platform. The company is public listed at the London Stock Exchange since 2013. The Group enables retail customers to... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Plus500 is a successful global software company which offers a leading CFD trading platform. The company is public listed at the London Stock Exchange since 2013. The Group enables retail customers to trade CFDs in more than 50 countries and in more than 2,100 different underlying global financial instruments comprising equities, ETFs, foreign exchange, indices, options and commodities. Job Definition: • Provide information about financial instruments and services of the company; • Respond to customer requests for installation, registration and regular operations with client’s software; • Provide support regarding technical, trading and financial issues to customers queries by email and chat; • Verify the request details with the customer; • Research and answer questions and solve problems for a complete customer’s satisfaction; • Follow up on the successful completion of each case; Requirements: • Fluency in the Italian language; • Fluency in the English language; • Good computer literacy; • Excellent typing skills; • Analytical and problem-solving skills; • Ability to prioritise tasks and work with minimal supervision; • Financial/Economic background or education will be considered as an advantage; • Customer service experience will be considered as an advantage; • Willingness to work on shifts; Our offer: • Great opportunity for professional and personal development within a fast growing company; • Extensive training programs; • Competitive remuneration package; • Excellent working conditions; • Cooperative team environment; If you are interested in and you would like to join our team, please send your application (CV) in English via the button below.


Chat & Email Support - Italian - Night Shifts

Chat & Email Support - Italian - Night Shifts


Chat & Email Support - Italian - Night Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian – Night ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a a Night shift ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian – Night Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a a Night shift role (4 nights 11 hours, 4 days off). The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include:• Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Italian - Day Shifts

Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Italian - Day Shifts


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Italian - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian– Day ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, s... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian– Day ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include:• Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;What happens next?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.


Live chat specialist – French and English – Day Shift

Live chat specialist – French and English – Day Shift


Live chat specialist – French and English – Day Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: The role: Live chat specialist – French and English – Day ShiftWe are looking for Live chat specialist – French and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking forYour experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include:Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.The GroupPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist - German and English - Day Shifts

Live chat specialist - German and English - Day Shifts


Live chat specialist - German and English - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – GERMAN AND ENGLISH – DAY SHIFTSWe are looking for a Live chat specialist to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting b... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – GERMAN AND ENGLISH – DAY SHIFTSWe are looking for a Live chat specialist to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5 pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FORYour experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in German and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.YOUR PACKAGE WILL INCLUDE: Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live Chat Specialist - Greek and English - Day Shifts

Live Chat Specialist - Greek and English - Day Shifts


Live Chat Specialist - Greek and English - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център Live Chat Specialist - Greek and English - Day ShiftsBulgaria, SofiaPermanentWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Greek and English to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday.The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries;• You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements;• Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses;• You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management;• It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services;• You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;• Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Greek and English;• Customer – obsessed;• Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;• Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include:• Plus, there’s a discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics;• Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;• Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);• 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;• 490 BGN for Home Office furniture;• 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;• In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;• Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;• Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;• Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties;• Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;• Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoom face-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law. We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact us.Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist - Italian and English - Day Shifts

Live chat specialist - Italian and English - Day Shifts


Live chat specialist - Italian and English - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Italian and English – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day s... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Italian and English – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include:• Plus, there’s a discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist - Russian and English – Day Shifts

Live chat specialist - Russian and English – Day Shifts


Live chat specialist - Russian and English – Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH – DAY SHIFT We are looking for Live chat specialist – Russian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgar... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH – DAY SHIFT We are looking for Live chat specialist – Russian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Russian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.YOUR PACKAGE WILL INCLUDE:• Plus, there’s a discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.PLEASE NOTE WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPORT VISA APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PARTICULAR ROLE.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist - Italian and English- Day Shifts

Live chat specialist - Italian and English- Day Shifts


Live chat specialist - Italian and English - Day Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Italian and English – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day s... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Italian and English – Day ShiftsWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a day shift role, starting between 8 am and 3 pm and finishing between 5pm and midnight Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include:• Plus, there’s a discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live Chat & Email Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria

Live Chat & Email Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria


Live Chat & Email Assistant - Sofia, Bulgaria от 2500 лв. до 3000 лв. гр. София, Младост 1 днес Постоянна


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Night Shifts 

Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Night Shifts 


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Night Shifts  Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French and English- Night ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a Nigh... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French and English- Night Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a Night shift role, 4 nights in4 days off (11 hours). The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player? You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience. Why we need you? We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world. Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for Your experience: While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage. Your skills: • You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer - obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; •Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools; Your behaviour: Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands. What’s in it for you? We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include: • Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role. The Group PokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way. We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.


Customer Support Agent with Arabic language - email and chat

Customer Support Agent with Arabic language - email and chat


Customer Support Agent with Arabic language - email and chat Работа › Оператори в кол център Plus500 is a successful global software company which offers a leading CFD trading platform. The company is public listed at the London Stock Exchange since 2013. The Group enables retail customers to... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Plus500 is a successful global software company which offers a leading CFD trading platform. The company is public listed at the London Stock Exchange since 2013. The Group enables retail customers to trade CFDs in more than 50 countries and in more than 2,100 different underlying global financial instruments comprising equities, ETFs, foreign exchange, indices, options and commodities. Job Definition: • Provide information about financial instruments and services of the company; • Respond to customer requests for installation, registration and regular operations with client’s software; • Provide support regarding technical, trading and financial issues to customers queries by email and chat; • Verify the request details with the customer; • Research and answer questions and solve problems for a complete customer’s satisfaction; • Follow up on the successful completion of each case; Requirements: • Fluency in Arabic language; • Fluency in English language; • Good computer literacy; • Excellent typing skills; • Excellent literacy; • Analytical and problem-solving skills; • Ability to prioritise tasks and work with minimal supervision; • Ability to work in Bulgaria; • Financial/Economic background or education will be considered as an advantage. • Customer service experience will be considered as an advantage. Our offer: • Great opportunity for professional and personal development within a fast growing company; • Extensive training programs; • Competitive remuneration package; • Excellent working conditions; • Cooperative team environment; If you are interested in and you would like to join our team, please send your application (CV) in English via the button below.


Chat & Email Support - Italian - Fixed Late Shift

Chat & Email Support - Italian - Fixed Late Shift


Chat & Email Support - Italian - Fixed Late Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian – Fixed Late ShiftWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Italian – Fixed Late ShiftWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role 04:00 PM – 01:00 AM, Monday – Sunday. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; •Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include:• Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;What happens next?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Russian - Night Shifts

Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Russian - Night Shifts


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - Russian - Night Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Russian – Night ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a a Night shift ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Russian – Night ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a a Night shift role (4 nights 11 hours, 4 days off). The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking for?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Russian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; • Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include:• Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties; • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.The GroupPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact us. Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Chat & Email Support - Portuguese - Fixed Late Shifts

Chat & Email Support - Portuguese - Fixed Late Shifts


Chat & Email Support - Portuguese - Fixed Late Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Portuguese – Fixed Late ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed ... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – Portuguese – Fixed Late ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 – 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking forYour experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Portuguese and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include: Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.


Live chat specialist - Romanian and English – Night Shift

Live chat specialist - Romanian and English – Night Shift


Live chat specialist - Romanian and English – Night Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Live chat specialist – Romanian and English – Night ShiftWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Romanian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bul... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай The role: Live chat specialist – Romanian and English – Night ShiftWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Romanian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a Night shift role (4 nights/11 hours, 4 days off). The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking forYour experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Romanian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include:Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.The GroupPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist – French and English – Night Shift

Live chat specialist – French and English – Night Shift


Live chat specialist – French and English – Night Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – FRENCH AND ENGLISH – NIGHT SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – French and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgari... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – FRENCH AND ENGLISH – NIGHT SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – French and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a Night shift role (4 nights/11 hours, 4 days off). The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FORYOUR EXPERIENCE:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.YOUR SKILLS:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;YOUR BEHAVIOUR:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. YOUR PACKAGE WILL INCLUDE:Discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: TALENT@STARSGROUP.COM Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Координатор - Клиенти

Координатор - Клиенти


Координатор - Клиенти обява за работа в София, Център Длъжност:Работа като Координатор Клиенти Фирма Обект:The Luxury Massages Тип на подателя:Агенция за подбор на персонал Договор:Граждански договор Бранш:Туризъм, хотели, Друг, Салони за красота Особености:Подходяща за студенти, Дистанционна работа, Надомна работа Ние сме Масажно студио, което търси млада и амбициозна девойка за работа с клиенти. ☑️ Работа от разстояние Задължения: ✔️съпорт на клиенти ✔️писмена и устна комуникация на български и английски език - работно ниво ✔️предлагане на нашите услуги ✔️Проверка на служебна кореспонденция Предлагаме: ⭐️Ежеседмично заплащане ⭐️Мобилна работна среда ⭐️Бонусна Схема ⭐️Динамична работна среда ⭐️Конкурентно заплащане Може да изпращате вашите СВ- та на посочените контакти. Работата е за сериозни и отговорни момичета.


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Fixed Late Shifts

Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Fixed Late Shifts


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Fixed Late Shifts Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars - French - Fixed Late Shifts We are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 - 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one. Are you our next star player? You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience. Why we need you? We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world. Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity. Who we’re looking for Your experience: While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage. Your skills: • You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer - obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; •Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools; Your behaviour: Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands. What’s in it for you? We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. Your package will include: • Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role. The Group PokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way. We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - German -Fixed Late Shift

Chat & Email Support PokerStars - German -Fixed Late Shift


Chat & Email Support PokerStars - German - Fixed Late Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – German – Fixed Late ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай The role: Chat & Email Support PokerStars – German – Fixed Late ShiftsWe are looking for Chat & Email Support Specialists to join our busy data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 – 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.Are you our next star player?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.Why we need you?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.Some of your responsibilities: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.Who we’re looking forYour experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in German and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.What’s in it for you?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include: Discretionary annual performance bonus of up to 25% of your annual gross salary;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; What happens next? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.The GroupPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist – French and English – Fixed late shift

Live chat specialist – French and English – Fixed late shift


Live chat specialist – French and English – Fixed late shift Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – FRENCH AND ENGLISH – FIXED LATE SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – French and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bu... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – FRENCH AND ENGLISH – FIXED LATE SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – French and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 – 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: • You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FORYOUR EXPERIENCE:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.YOUR SKILLS:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in French and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;YOUR BEHAVIOUR:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria. YOUR PACKAGE WILL INCLUDE:Discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics;Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address);250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby;490 BGN for Home Office furniture;1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us;In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career;Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses;Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market;Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas partiesFree fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office;Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table; WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.Please note we are unable to support visa applications for this particular role.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: TALENT@STARSGROUP.COM Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Live chat specialist - Russian and English –Fixed Late Shift

Live chat specialist - Russian and English –Fixed Late Shift


Live chat specialist - Russian and English – Fixed Late Shift Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Russian and English- Fixed Late ShiftWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Language and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: Live chat specialist – Russian and English- Fixed Late ShiftWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Language and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 – 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.WHY WE NEED YOU?We are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:• You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries; • You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements; • Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses; • You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management; • It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services; • You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups; • Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR?Your experience:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.Your skills:• You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Russian and English; • Customer – obsessed; • Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions; •Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;Your behaviour:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?We offer a competitive discretionary annual performance bonus. And we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Bulgaria.Your package will include:• Plus, there’s a discretionary annual performance bonus based on personal and company metrics; • Additional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year; • Health and dental insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address); • 250 BGN Personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobby; • 490 BGN for Home Office furniture; • 1000 BGN as congratulations if you have a baby whilst you work for us; • In-house training and development to develop your skills, progressing your career; • Contribution towards your transportation and lunch expenses; • Every year, the Group provides the opportunity to participate in a very generous 3-year savings plan, with the possibility of buying stock at a discounted price and benefiting from the company’s good performance on the market; • Sports program and social events; including our sensational summer and Christmas parties • Free fresh fruit, snacks and drinks in the office; • Relaxation areas around the office, including a PlayStation and Pool table;WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?If you’re what we’re looking for, next up would be a phone interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview.PLEASE NOTE WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPORT VISA APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PARTICULAR ROLE.THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.com Please note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.


Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) Mono Chat Earbud with Micгр. Аксаково, Варнаднес8 лв

Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) Mono Chat Earbud with Micгр. Аксаково, Варнаднес8 лв


Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) Mono Chat Earbud with Mic гр. Аксаково, Варна днес 8 лв Sony Playstation 4 (PS4) Mono Chat Earbud with Mic Посочената цена е за 1 брой ! Доставката е за сметка на купувача,лично предаване не е възможно,поради натовареното ми ежедневие и естеството ми на работа. Препоръчително е да се свържете с мен чрез лично съобщение тук,тъй като нямам възможност винаги да отговарям на телефона. Работно време: – Понеделник-Петък: 10:00 – 18:00 часа. – Събота: 10:00 – 15:00 часа. таг:ps4,playstation 4,пс4,плейстейшън 4,джойстик за ps4,контролер за ps4





LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST - ITALIAN AND ENGLISH - FIXED LATE SHIFT Работа › Оператори в кол център THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – ITALIAN AND ENGLISH – FIXED LATE SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай THE ROLE: LIVE CHAT SPECIALIST – ITALIAN AND ENGLISH – FIXED LATE SHIFTWe are looking for Live chat specialist – Italian and English to join our busy customer support data-driven team based in Sofia, Bulgaria. It is a fixed late shift role, 16:00 – 01:00 on rotation. The team is involved in variety of different tasks, ensuring the players’ experience is a positive one.ARE YOU OUR NEXT STAR PLAYER?You’ll be our Group ambassador, helping our customers with any questions they may have. We’ll provide you with everything you need. Starting with a comprehensive training course, specifically tailored to aid you in your new job and enabling you to work further with our knowledge base, promotional materials and ever-evolving environment, so that you can focus on keeping our customers happy and constantly improve their end-user experience.This role follows a hybrid approach to working, allowing you to combine working from home with working in our modern offices. These discussions are between you and your manager to find the best pattern for you both! We will kit you out to work from home but know that working as a team is what makes us great and spending quality time together is essential for keeping us mission-aligned.WHY WE NEED YOUWe are expanding our Customer Support team and therefore we are looking for more people to join our team. This is needed because we are the largest online gaming, poker and sports betting company in the world and therefore, we are constantly acquiring new players and expanding our presence in regulated markets all over the world.SOME OF YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES:You will be liaising directly with our players primarily via live chat and occasionally by email to answer their questions and resolve their queries;You will be on top of your game, when having to inform players of any upcoming promotions, regulation changes and requirements;Always providing fast, accurate, thorough and friendly responses;You will stay fully up-to-date with all of the PokerStars Guidelines, Policies and Procedures and will be up to the task of completing any other duties associated with assisting our players as requested by management;It is a busy team, so you’ll enjoy a fast-paced environment working to agreed targets, as we strive to grow our brands and develop our services;You will be willing to know the business in depth by being involved in projects and task groups;Due to the current circumstances, you will be willing to start your journey with PokerStars by working from your home in Sofia and become part of the team in a virtual capacity.WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR?YOUR EXPERIENCE:While previous experience in a Customer facing role is not a requirement, any relevant experience or interest in customer support, online gaming, or online payment processing would be considered as an advantage.YOUR SKILLS:You need to have the ability to demonstrate excellent verbal and written communication skills in Italian and English;Customer – obsessed;Possessing the ability to multitask, think quickly on your feet, so that you can make solid decisions;Being Tech-savvy and efficient with different communication and office software tools;YOUR BEHAVIOUR:Highly- motivated with great attention to detail and able to evaluate customer demands.WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?Our experience-based salaries are competitive, and we provide advice and dedicated assistance to those moving to Sofia.Your package will include:Health and Dental Insurance for you, your partner and your children (if you all live at the same address)A personal interest allowance to let you learn something new or pursue a hobbyA great yearly bonus based on performanceAdditional skills bonuses (600 BGN) up to 3 times per year;Looking to extend your family? You will receive a cash gift of 1,000 BGN for your new addition whilst working for usPersonal e-learning courses and training supporting the development in your career25 days annual leaveA sports’ card membership valid across the countryIn-house yoga and gymnastic classes, as well as dancesDiscounts as a compliment form us among different servicesFree snacks, fruits and drinks in the officeABOUT THE GROUPPokerStars is part of Flutter Entertainment Plc, a global sports betting, gaming and entertainment provider headquartered in Dublin and part of the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange. Flutter brings together exceptional brands, products and businesses and a diverse global presence in a safe, responsible and ultimately sustainable way.We are an equal opportunity employer that values diversity. We do not discriminate on any protected characteristic as defined by applicable law.We will look to provide reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities to participate in the job application or interview process. If you need assistance, please contact: talent@starsgroup.comPlease note we cannot accept general applications; this inbox is just for providing support to those who need it.PLEASE NOTE WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPORT VISA APPLICATIONS FOR THIS PARTICULAR ROLE.WANT A SEAT AT THE TABLE? APPLY NOW!We will aim to respond to you as soon as possible. If you’re the right fit for the role, you will be invited to a phone/zoom interview and after that an online test. And if that goes well, we’ll meet you for a Zoomface-to-face interview. Find your passion with PokerStars

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