Инженер-търговец (Sales Engineer)2000 лв - 2500 лв лвгр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 15: 38 - търсене свободни работни места и продължават при поискване

  • >> Следващото

Инженер-търговец (Sales Engineer)2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 15: 38

Инженер-търговец (Sales Engineer)2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 15: 38


от 2000 лв.до 2500 лв.: Кратко представяне на работодателя: ПРОВАЛВЕ (PROVALVE) е търговско дружество, специализирано в областта на индустриалните арматури (industrial valves), помпи (pumps), тръби (pipes), фитинги (fittings...


Дистрибутор200 лв - 2000 лв / гр. Велико Търново, ЦентърДнес в 19: 16

Дистрибутор200 лв - 2000 лв / гр. Велико Търново, ЦентърДнес в 19: 16


от 200 лв.до 2000 лв.: ВНИМАНИЕ ПРОЧЕТЕТЕ ВНИМАТЕЛНО! Търся дистрибутор на батерии и осветителни тела, със собствен превоз и фирма, без шефове на главата и без работно време, повече информация на номер 0878401728* https://...


Търси се персона за рецепция на Хотел900 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. София, ЦентърДнес в 8: 10

Търси се персона за рецепция на Хотел900 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. София, ЦентърДнес в 8: 10


от 900 лв.до 2000 лв.: Търсим човек с английски език за работа на рецепция на хотел в центъра на София Смените са от Дневна 08:00 до 20:00 Нощна 20:00 до 08:00 Заплатата на смяна е 60лв


Пррдлагаме стрително ремонтни дейности в варна и областа. гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 7: 07

Пррдлагаме стрително ремонтни дейности в варна и областа. гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 7: 07


Предлагаме строително ремонтни дейности в варна и областа •Мобилен:0876892500 •Драго •


Търся продавачка на мартеници на закрито в гр. Варна. гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 16: 00

Търся продавачка на мартеници на закрито в гр. Варна. гр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 16: 00



Дюнерджия за сезон 2023г. 2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Плевен, Идеален центърПълно работно времеВременна/сезоннаДнес в 19: 01

Дюнерджия за сезон 2023г. 2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Плевен, Идеален центърПълно работно времеВременна/сезоннаДнес в 19: 01


от 2000 лв.до 2500 лв.: Описание и Изисквания Заведение за бързо хранене -Дюнер в гр.Варна - Търси да назначи свежи попълнения в екипа си. Изисквания: Дисциплинирани, усмихнати и отговорни Желание за работа; Умение за рабо...


Автомивка набира персонал твърдо00 лв - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 1АПълно работно времеПостояннаОбновено Днес в 5: 43

Автомивка набира персонал твърдо00 лв - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 1АПълно работно времеПостояннаОбновено Днес в 5: 43


от 2000 лв.до 2500 лв.: Автомивка WASH ROOM в Младост 4 търси своя нов колега, който да има опит! всякакви автокозметични услуги + пране на килими. 50 лв. дневна надница + 20% от личния оборот! Цените на услугите започват ...


Автомивка работник 30лв твърдо 30 00 - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 1АПълно работно времеПостояннаОбновено Днес в 8: 09

Автомивка работник 30лв твърдо 30 00 - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 1АПълно работно времеПостояннаОбновено Днес в 8: 09



Sales Recruiter (m/w/d)1800 лв - 2300 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЦентърПълно работно времеПостояннаДистанционна работа Дистанционно интервю Днес в 12: 25

Sales Recruiter (m/w/d)1800 лв - 2300 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЦентърПълно работно времеПостояннаДистанционна работа Дистанционно интервю Днес в 12: 25


от 1800 лв.до 2300 лв.: Вашите задължения Активни дискусии с отдел продажби на партньорски фирми и/или клиенти. •Създаване на обяви за работа и публикуване, включително в социалните мрежи. •Идентифициране и квалификация на п...


Автомивка търси работник 50лв твърдо 20 00 лв - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 2Пълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обяваДнес в 5: 52

Автомивка търси работник 50лв твърдо 20 00 лв - 2500 лв / гр. София, Младост 2Пълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обяваДнес в 5: 52


от 2000 лв.до 2500 лв.: Автомивка WASH ROOM в Младост 4 търси своя нов колега, който да има опит! Пране, пастиране на фарове, полагане на вакса и всякакви други автокозметични услуги + пране на килими. 50 лв. дневна надниц...


Фризьор, миглостилистгр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 8: 46

Фризьор, миглостилистгр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 8: 46



Протектор забаня за гипсгр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 22: 21

Протектор забаня за гипсгр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 22: 21



Търся шофьори категория Д за град Варна. 1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЧайкаНепълно работно времеВременна/сезоннаДнес в 7: 40

Търся шофьори категория Д за град Варна. 1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, ЧайкаНепълно работно времеВременна/сезоннаДнес в 7: 40


от 1500 лв.до 2000 лв.: Да има дигитална карта и всички документи. Коректно отношение и добро заплащане.


Продавач - консултант в заведение за бързо хранене на 8 часагр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 14: 23

Продавач - консултант в заведение за бързо хранене на 8 часагр. Варна, ЦентърДнес в 14: 23


Търсим човек за работа на позиция "Продавач -консултант" в магазин за готова храна.Заведението се намира в кв. Левски, ул. Дубровник 23.Предлагаме целогодишна заетост, 8-часов работен ден в сплотен ек...


Баничар/ка с опит1500 - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, ТрошевоДнес в 17: 52

Баничар/ка с опит1500 - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, ТрошевоДнес в 17: 52



Пицар/ка пица в тавичка1400 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, ХЕИПълно работно времеДнес в 18: 31

Пицар/ка пица в тавичка1400 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, ХЕИПълно работно времеДнес в 18: 31


от 1400 лв.до 2500 лв.: Търсим пицар/ка. Много добро заплащане и условия на труд. Моля, при интерес, свържете се с нас на посочения телефон. Пет дневна работна седмица. Десет часов работен ден. Събота и неделя се работи! По...


Технически ръководител2000 - 2500 лв гр. Варна, Автогара Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 9: 20

Технически ръководител2000 - 2500 лв гр. Варна, Автогара Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 9: 20



Предлага работа 1600 -2500на месец1700 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. София, СтрелбищеПромотирана обяваОбновено на 15 март 2023 г.

Предлага работа 1600 -2500на месец1700 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. София, СтрелбищеПромотирана обяваОбновено на 15 март 2023 г.


от 1700 лв.до 2500 лв.: Предлагам работа в гр. София до Южен Парк, ул. Нишава 159 на следните длъжности: наргелист; 1. Работник кухня (може да няма опит подходяща и за млади хора ще бъде обучен, правят се пици, принцеси,бург...


търся работа варна1600 лв - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, Гранд Мол ВарнаПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 6: 41

търся работа варна1600 лв - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, Гранд Мол ВарнаПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 6: 41



Техник търси работа на смени1500 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, м-т СълзицаНепълно работно времеДнес в 6: 53

Техник търси работа на смени1500 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, м-т СълзицаНепълно работно времеДнес в 6: 53


от 1500 лв.до 2500 лв.: Техник търси работа на смени, дневна нощна два почива или два на два


Търся работа с C категория1800 - 2500 лв гр. Варна, Център Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 7: 25

Търся работа с C категория1800 - 2500 лв гр. Варна, Център Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 7: 25



Търси майстори кофражисти2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, Зимно кино ТракияПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 5: 36

Търси майстори кофражисти2000 лв - 2500 лв лв / гр. Варна, Зимно кино ТракияПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 5: 36


от 2000 лв.до 2500 лв.: Фирма търси да назначи на постоянна работа майстори - кофражисти за различни обекти на фирмата в гр.Варна. Назначаване на постоянен трудов договор на 8 часа. Заплащане 100лв. надник на ден. Плаща се н...


Набиране на куриери1500 - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, Червен площадНепълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обява17 август 2023 г.

Набиране на куриери1500 - 2500 лв / гр. Варна, Червен площадНепълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обява17 август 2023 г.



Готвач/ка. ... .1600 лв - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, БризПостояннаДнес в 13: 49

Готвач/ка. ... .1600 лв - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, БризПостояннаДнес в 13: 49


от 1600 лв.до 2000 лв.: Готвач/ка Топла/Студена кухня ресторантOscar Food & Cocktails (Оскар) Варна( окръжна болница) Постоянна работа; Подходяща и за кандидати с бежански статутОписание и ИзискванияРесторантът търси мотивир...


Електроинсталации, Специалист1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Възраждане 4ПостояннаДнес в 9: 52

Електроинсталации, Специалист1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Възраждане 4ПостояннаДнес в 9: 52


от 1500 лв.до 2000 лв.: Фирма с 30-годишна история търси да наеме специалист електроинсталации във Варна. Коректно плащане, договор на пълно работно време, осигуровки, работно облекло, осигурен транспорт. Възможност за допъл...


Автомияч за автомивка1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Западна промишлена зонаДнес в 11: 03

Автомияч за автомивка1500 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Западна промишлена зонаДнес в 11: 03


от 1500 лв.до 2000 лв.: Автомивка sky car търси автомияч за целогодишна работа, за повече информация позвънете на посочения телефон


предлагам работа Варна1400 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, АвтогараПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 6: 20

предлагам работа Варна1400 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, АвтогараПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 6: 20


от 1400 лв.до 2000 лв.: Предлагам динамична и разнообразна работа за момчета с технически умения и интереси свързани с изграждане на метални заготовки, ремонт на транспортна техника, изработка нестандартни детайли, монтажни ...


Шофьор доставчик с личен автомобил1000 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, КонфутоПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 8: 59

Шофьор доставчик с личен автомобил1000 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, КонфутоПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 8: 59


от 1000 лв.до 2000 лв.: Здравейте търсим шофьор доставчик на пица със личен автомобил, много добро заплащане обвързано със броя закарани поръчки. Само сериозни и отговорни хора. Може и като допълнителна работа. Оставете тел...


Персонал, касиер за дюнер/кебап1100 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Червен площадПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 7: 49

Персонал, касиер за дюнер/кебап1100 лв - 2000 лв лв / гр. Варна, Червен площадПълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 7: 49


от 1100 лв.до 2000 лв.: Търсим персонал/касиер за дюнер/кебап магазин на Червения площат. Говорим турски език е предимство.


предлагам работа1600 - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, Западна промишлена зона Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 12: 25

предлагам работа1600 - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, Западна промишлена зона Пълно работно времеПостояннаДнес в 12: 25



DevOps AWS engineer What you will do?

DevOps AWS engineer What you will do?


DevOps AWS engineer What you will do? Работа в Чужбина › Други страни 6 000 лв What you will do?Set up and maintain, update and improve a platform built on:ECS/Fargate Cognito, RBAC API Gateway Amplify RDS Serverless(Lambda, DynamoDB, EventBridge) CI/CD (CodeCommit, CodePipeline... Извън страната днес Наблюдавай What you will do? Set up and maintain, update and improve a platform built on: ECS/Fargate Cognito, RBAC API Gateway Amplify RDS Serverless(Lambda, DynamoDB, EventBridge) CI/CD (CodeCommit, CodePipeline) IAM What we expect from you? Extensive experience and knowledge of:AWS Linux shell Git JIRA Nice to have AWS certificates (like SysOps Administrator or DevOps Engineer)


Manual QA Engineer

Manual QA Engineer


Manual QA Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти 5 300 лв Job Description: QA Engineer Responsibilities:• Execute test cases and analyse results on all environments• Review and analyse the software requirements • Create, document and execute test cases/test ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Job Description: QA Engineer Responsibilities: • Execute test cases and analyse results on all environments • Review and analyse the software requirements • Create, document and execute test cases/test plans/test checklists/test notes • Detect, report and follow issues in Jira • Provide inputs to the team in order to improve the test process • Work in collaboration to the other members of the QA team to ensure all testing activities are fulfilled • Participate in daily team meetings Requirements: • 3+ years of experience in manual web testing field • Experience in test planning, test cases management, bug tracking • Experience in using SQL • Experience in testing websites on various browsers and mobile devices • Understands usability and UX • Good understanding of Software Development Life Cycle and QA processes • Good command of English • Proactive, hard-working and self driven professional • Bachelor’s degree in Business Information Systems, Computer Science or equivalent experience Advantages: • Test Automation with Selenium, C#/Java and NUnit/Junit • API Testing with Postman/C# • Experience in applying optimal test design techniques • Knowledge/Experience in QA methodologies, ISTQB certification • Knowledge/Experience in the business domain • Experience in testing back office systems We offer: • Competitive remuneration and social benefits package • Food vouchers, Multisport card, Health insurance • Snacks and drinks in the office • 25 days of vacation • Bonus for employee referral • Training by team leaders with great experience • The opportunity to write the history of a leading and growing multinational company • Multiple career progression opportunities in a dynamic in-house business • An environment where product expertise, professional and personal commitment are rewarded • Dynamic and friendly work environment • Office location - 1 min far from a metro station If you are interested for this position, please send your current CV. We will contact all convenient candidates. IT Recruitment Bulgaria Ltd. has license № 3131, valid from 01.03.2021


Software engineer

Software engineer


Software engineer Работа в Чужбина › Други страни 7 000 лв Candor is a fintech company based in the US with an all-remote team. The company is backed by product executives and engineering leaders at Facebook, Lyft, Amazon and others.This is an opportunity to ... Извън страната днес Наблюдавай Candor is a fintech company based in the US with an all-remote team. The company is backed by product executives and engineering leaders at Facebook, Lyft, Amazon and others.This is an opportunity to get a high degree of trust, autonomy and ownership with a fast-growing company in the US.About youWere hiring for both full-stack and backend roles. For backend roles: 3-5 years experience building high reliability high resilience systems, particularly in mission-critical applicationsExperience with AWS , including EC2, SQS, Lambda and AuroraExperience with SQL databasesExperience building complex applications in languages ​​like Java, C #, Javascript, Python, Ruby , with Node.js expertise preferred Strong communication ability in EnglishFor full-stack roles:Experience with complex React apps (our product is powered by Next.js & hosted on Vercel)Experience with Node. jsStrong communication ability in EnglishThis may be a good fit if you:Are highly competent and care deeply about your work Are eager to learn and have genuine curiosity for the world Have a high degree of autonomy and ownership over your work Thrive in ambiguity and like to forge your own pathAre kind, considerate and thoughtfulWant to work on mission critical projects from Day 1 Are motivated by the real-world impact of your work This may not be a good fit if: You just care about the technology, rather than the impact of its creation Want to be told exactly what to do everyday


Part-time AI Engineer

Part-time AI Engineer


Part-time AI Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти 3 750 лв Grove Global Consult Ltd. is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of private business sector worldwide. Are you ready to start y... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Grove Global Consult Ltd. is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of private business sector worldwide. Are you ready to start your dream job?If you are highly motivated, detail-oriented engineer, passionate about learning new things and taking on new challenges, then you are on the right place! For one of our clients - operating in the field of IT services and formed a team of the best developers and engineers in IT industry, were looking for a AI Engineer. Description We are hiring, for a part-time position, an AI Engineer with extensive knowledge of the financial markets. You will be working on an existing product which serves an enterprise client. Our project is focused on creating predictive models for specific markets and assets and generating trading recommendations. You will be joining Centric Technologies core team, meaning that you will be given an opportunity to work on various projects in the future, allowing you to enrich your knowledge and participate in exciting products. About you: ● Proven experience in machine learning and artificial intelligence - Must ● Knowledge of the financial markets - Must ● Fluent English - Must ● Experience working with financial APIs - Advantage ● Understanding the business aspect of a product and providing high level reports on progress and achievements. Soft skills:● Self motivated and able to work independently with minimal supervision. ● Able to decompose complex tasks into short term goals. ● Able to What the company offers: - Attractive salary (based on prior experience & educational background)- Flexible working hours - part time- Home office opportunities- IT Conferences sponsored by the company- Opportunity for professional growth with external and internal trainings- Company sponsored laptop and mobile phone Please send your CV in English. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Recruitment license issued by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy under № 3018 30.04.2020.


Manual QA Engineer, Regular

Manual QA Engineer, Regular


Manual QA Engineer, Regular Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти About UsInnovative Lab is a Bulgarian software development company established in 2011. We have a long-term strategic alliance with PLEX SYSTEMS, a U.S. company, the industry leader in cloud-based sma... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай About Us Innovative Lab is a Bulgarian software development company established in 2011. We have a long-term strategic alliance with PLEX SYSTEMS, a U.S. company, the industry leader in cloud-based smart manufacturing solutions – MES, ERP, IIoT, SCP – changing the way manufacturers make things. Our primary scope is the development and support of Plex DemandCaster – cloud software for agile supply chain planning. About You You will drive the Quality Assurance initiatives for DemandCaster by understanding the business objectives and technical implementation of the product; working closely with the rest team members in the analysis and design of new features and change requests; performing exploratory testing; designing and writing test cases in qTest for subsequent manual testing and test automation; executing test cases, creating bugs in Jira and leading the triage process for existing bugs. Requirements: At least 2 years of professional experience in manual QA. Experience in writing clear, concise, and comprehensive test plans and test casesIntegrity, Agile mindset, and developed culture for synchronized teamwork, knowledge sharing, and a permanent desire for professional experience growth.Knowledge of SQL and scripting will be considered as an advantage.University degree in the area of Information Technologies or Computer Science will be considered as a strong advantage.


Sales Development Representative

Sales Development Representative


Sales Development Representative Работа › Търговски представители и дистрибуция 2 200 лв Staello is a North-American company specializing in online reputation working with customers all over Canada, the USA, and Australia.Staello is seeking a Staello is a North-American company specializing in online reputation working with customers all over Canada, the USA, and Australia. Staello is seeking a Sales Development Representative eager to join our growing team. As a member of the development team at Staello, you will help drive the technical direction of our industry-leading SaaS platform that has a meaningful and immediate impact on our growing customer base. Our team consists of employees located in Ottawa, Toronto, Plovdiv, Sofia, and Burgas. Our customer base is rapidly growing and we are now looking to expand our team. If you’re committed to great work and are constantly looking for ways to improve the systems you are responsible for, then we’d love to hear from you. As the next Staello Sales Development Representative, you will: - Provide an outstanding customer experience as you are going to be the first point of contact that the customers will have with Staello. - Utilizing a best-in-class CRM (Salesforce) and your own ingenuity and curiosity to complete and manage accounts. - Confidently interact with small business owners while discussing marketing strategies to help them grow their business. - Using a dialing platform, conduct a minimum of 100 daily cold calls and follow-up calls to prospects as well as communicating appropriately with prospects via email and social channels - Collaborate and align with Account Managers on account strategy and outreach plan - Generate sales qualified opportunities by booking appointments resulting in a workable pipeline for the sales organization - Qualify meetings by gathering the necessary information prior to the initial discovery call to create an outstanding customer experience - Build and maintain a solid relationship with prospective customers - Educate prospects on new releases, products, and upcoming events - Identify potential expansion opportunities at our current customer base As the next Staello Sales Development Representative, you need: - Minimum 1 year of telephone marketing, customer support, or sales experience in English, preferably in SaaS. - Experience with tools such as Salesforce is highly desirable. - Strong active listening skills and a genuine curiosity to uncover customer needs, evaluation processes, and solution potential. - Desire to be in technology sales and have a growth mindset. You are highly coachable and committed to developing your sales skills and learning our products and process - Outstanding organizational, prioritization, and time management skills. - Very strong written and verbal communication skills.


Sales Representative - B2B / i18n

Sales Representative - B2B / i18n


Sales Representative - B2B i18n Работа › Оператори в кол център 1 750 лв We are looking for result-driven individuals who want to work in Sales.Motivated and results-driven individuals with or without sales experience to join our growing team.The individuals in this role w... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай We are looking for result-driven individuals who want to work in Sales. Motivated and results-driven individuals with or without sales experience to join our growing team.The individuals in this role would be responsible for prospecting, meeting online potential partners and customers, explaining our product, and guiding them through their purchase process.We will give you all the know how we have for the development of your market.If you are looking for a company with a great culture, flexible working arrangement, and an opportunity to grow… Then look no more! Why join our team? We are at the TOP 10% of the companies in the world with well structured, tested and verified sales process which generates predictable results. Working with us is like being part of one of the best sales “academies”. Two months training is included.The market potential is huge and to be exact – 154 countries around the globe.An opportunity for very good earnings exceeding EUR 1000+ per month.During the two-months training: only commission based per closed deal.After the training: basic salary plus commission will be offered to the best performers.Our team is purpose driven. We achieve our goals. We are the best at what we do (our AdGrants service)We work with other businesses by being B2B – you’ll communicate with decision makers who are progressive individuals.Opportunities to grow on a professional level as an individual as well as within our company.We have fun and help others grow. You can find more information on Why join our team? What are the daily tasks? What is our working environment?What qualities and skills we are looking for? How to apply? Here: https://be-known.org/join-the-team or by following the application (\\\\\\\"Кандидатствай\\\\\\\") button.





SALES AGENT (ENGLISH) Работа › Оператори в кол център SALES AGENT (FLUENT ENGLISH)We are a proven and successful organization with over 20 years of experience,with deep knowledge in our field. We have done seven internationalprojects. We are extremely... гр. София 26 март Наблюдавай SALES AGENT (FLUENT ENGLISH) We are a proven and successful organization with over 20 years of experience, with deep knowledge in our field. We have done seven international projects. We are extremely passionate about what we do. We are looking for a sales agent with excellent English, strong sales experience and excellent social communication skills. Your Duties: • The ability of building and bringing new business • Explain in a relevant way the services of the Company • Fluency in English is a Must • Experience in Sales is a Must • Always open to expand his/her technical and fundamental knowledge and learn new skills • Able to think outside the box and ready to step out of his/her comfort zone • Ability to work under pressure What we offer • Full-time position • Strong commission based on the performance • Constant incentives and bonuses • Possible salary negotiation


Unified Communications Engineer

Unified Communications Engineer


Unified Communications Engineer Работа › Инженери A1 Bulgaria is much more than just a telecommunications company. As part of the A1 Telekom Austria Group, we drive digitalization in 7 countries with innovative solutions and new business areas. Join ... гр. София днес Наблюдавай


Sales representative with English

Sales representative with English


Sales representative with English Работа › Оператори в кол център 1 750 лв The Company(АТ Consulting 2018): We are a telemarketing agency and official representative of some of the most successful companies. Before you read the requirements you should be aware that we do n... гр. Варна днес Наблюдавай The Company(АТ Consulting 2018): We are a telemarketing agency and official representative of some of the most successful companies. Before you read the requirements you should be aware that we do not judge our candidates by the number of years of experience but rather by their skills, knowledge, personal qualities and potential to grow professionally. At our company we strive to build self-sufficient, autonomous teams, who can plan, execute and achieve work goals on their own. As a successful representative, you should be able to: •Speak and write in English fluently •Work in a TEAM •Work in a dynamic environment •Flexibility, Friendly, Calm under pressure •Effective Communication Skills •Speak on a professional level with people from different countries •Capable of convincing clients If you became part of our team, we will offer you: •Dynamic environment with positive and friendly colleagues •Opportunity to develop professionally •Attractive salary and a very good bonus system for results achieved • Full time labor contract. • Employer’s correct attitude. If you find the above offer interesting and challenging and if you believe you can fit within our team please send us your CV. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Test Automation Engineer

Test Automation Engineer


Test Automation Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria was acknowledged with 3 employer awards at Career Show Awards 2021:• Best Employer in Banking – Gold• Best Internal Communication Strategy – Gold • Best Health and Wellness – B... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Raiffeisenbank Bulgaria was acknowledged with 3 employer awards at Career Show Awards 2021: • Best Employer in Banking – Gold • Best Internal Communication Strategy – Gold • Best Health and Wellness – Bronze If you have: - A Bachelor or master’s degree in computer science, Informatics or an equivalent program - 1+ years’ experience in Test Automation for Web applications - Knowledge and experience with Test Automation tools –Selenium Web Driver, JMeter, HP UFT - Knowledge and experience with programming languages – Java, C# - Knowledge and experience with databases (MS SQL, Oracle) - Knowledge and experience with defect tracking systems (HP ALM, JIRA or other) - Experience CI/CD automations tools (Maven, Git, Jenkins) - Experience with SOA testing (Web Services, REST) with SoapUI, Postman - Experience with SCRUM or Kanban - Good understanding of SDLC and different software testing methodologies. - Good understanding of CI/CD processes. - Working level of English - High motivation to improve the quality of products - High reliability, assertiveness, goal oriented and focused on results - Strong attention to detail and strong analytical and problem-solving skills - Proactiveness and creativity - Team working skills - Ability to adapt to projects of various scope and nature and different levels of documentation And you would like to: - Work in Agile environment, where team work is always recognized and appreciated - Analyze of business requirements and definition of a systematic testing strategy including test automation in an agile environment - Develop and execute manual and automated test cases for software applications and interfaces - Apply and further develop Test Automation with supported tools - Review and further optimization of testing methodologies and test automation methodologies - Report, track, validate and document software defects - Analyze and validate test results - Provide assessment and report on the overall quality of the software You will find: - Excellent opportunities for professional and career development in one of the leading banks in Bulgaria - Competitive remuneration - Various opportunities for learning and further development of the professional skills and competences - Dynamic and challenging job - Modern working environment - Additional health insurance - Life/Accident Insurance - Food vouchers - Sport card - Preferences for the bank products and services Share your future with us! Please, send your CV by using the button “Apply for this job” on the bottom of the page. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated under strict confidentiality. Personal data are under special protection in accordance with the Law for Protection of Personal Data. Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) is part of the Raiffeisen Bank International AG Group – one of the leading financial institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, with more than 51 000 employees and more than 14.2 million customers in 14 countries. In the last 20 years Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) has become one of the leading banks in Bulgaria providing high-quality services to its clients and career and development opportunities for its employees.


National Sales Manager

National Sales Manager


National Sales Manager Работа › Мениджъри и експерти 4 200 лв Our client is a major European manufacturer and distributor of furniture edgings. Their product range comprises a wide collection of edgings as well as a choice of melting, dispersion, mounting and co... с. Банево, Бургас днес Наблюдавай Our client is a major European manufacturer and distributor of furniture edgings. Their product range comprises a wide collection of edgings as well as a choice of melting, dispersion, mounting and construction adhesives, cleaning agents and electronic spraying devices.First class service, quality products, speed, reliability and professionalism – these are the main attributes to which the company has gained many happy and satisfied customers across the whole of Europe.We are looking for a professional to fill the position of National Sales Manager for Bulgaria. The position is in Bulgaria. ResponsibilitiesFoster new business relationships and manage existing relationshipsRecommend sales strategies for improvement based on market research and competitor analysesConduct budget reviews to ensure sales and marketing activities are within budgetAttend industry trade events along with networking opportunities and other relevant meetings QualificationsSecondary education at a minimum, a technical background is an advantageBulgarian native speaker, English on an advanced level5+ years relevant experienceExperience working CRM, Knowledge of MS Excel, Word, and PowerPointGood communication, negotiation and presentation skills Client offers:Interesting salary packageCar operating allowanceMobile phone, laptop, tabletGreat team of helpful peopleWorking from home officePersonal and professional growthThe professional working environment of a well-established company with a well-defined mission and goals


Момче за работа в автосервиз, задължително с опит! 1000 - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, Възраждане 1Пълно работно времеДнес в 14: 18

Момче за работа в автосервиз, задължително с опит! 1000 - 2000 лв / гр. Варна, Възраждане 1Пълно работно времеДнес в 14: 18



Шофьор " С" категория за камион с кран(лесовоз)2500 лв - 3500 лв лв / гр. Варна, АспаруховоПълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обяваОбновено на 29 март 2023 г.

Шофьор " С" категория за камион с кран(лесовоз)2500 лв - 3500 лв лв / гр. Варна, АспаруховоПълно работно времеПостояннаПромотирана обяваОбновено на 29 март 2023 г.


от 2500 лв.до 3500 лв.: Фирма "DARVARI" търси да назначи отговорен човек на позицията шофьор - кранист. Управляват се камиони от марките ЩАЕР, КАМАЗ, ИФА, с кранове за самонатоварване. 5 дневна работна седмица от 8:00 до 17:...


Call Center Sales Representative

Call Center Sales Representative


Call Center Sales Representative Работа › Оператори в кол център 1 600 лв CALLING LTD. – An outsourcing company specialized in the industry of health and cosmetics is currently looking for new employees.What we need:- Responsible individuals fluent in English (other languag... гр. Бургас днес Наблюдавай CALLING LTD. – An outsourcing company specialized in the industry of health and cosmetics is currently looking for new employees. What we need: - Responsible individuals fluent in English (other languages are an advantage) - Dynamic sales people looking to learn and grow (experience in the field of sales or telemarketing is eagerly welcome) - PC literacy - CAN DO attitude and TEAM WORK are a must What we offer: - Stable environment - Young and friendly team - Exceptional salary and motivating bonuses - Exclusive working place - Afternoon working time 16:00-00:00 Starting salary from 1200 bruto. Apply or contact us for more information! zubeida8@gmail.com


Junior Sales Development Representative

Junior Sales Development Representative


Junior Sales Development Representative Работа › Търговски представители и дистрибуция About the company: Out2Bound is a sales development agency that helps technology companies (software development, mobile, web, SaaS) to attract b2b clients and access new markets around the globe. We... гр. София вчера Наблюдавай About the company: Out2Bound is a sales development agency that helps technology companies (software development, mobile, web, SaaS) to attract b2b clients and access new markets around the globe. We develop and execute outbound sales strategies on behalf of technology companies to enrich their sales pipelines and as a result to start conversations with highly targeted potential new clients.Additionally, we test out new markets and validate the product or service-market-fit. We are able to both plug into the company as a remote sales team or support an existing sales team by enriching its sales pipeline. Out2Bound is currently working with technology companies from the USA and Europe. The company is present with offices in Sofia and Geneva. About the position: Your primary responsibility as a Junior Sales Development Representative is to generate new business opportunities for our clients - IT and technology companies. In this role, you represent our client as the first point of contact with their ideal potential customers. The responsibilities include researching markets, segmenting potential clients, reaching out to them using outbound methods (emails, phone, social).Your Day: Work with founders & C-level executives of Bulgarian and international tech companies.Engage executives and C-level prospects in target accounts via cold calls, Linkedin, and email to generate appointments for our clients.Work with sales tools, G-suite services, Microsoft office, Linkedin, and Chrome extensions;Develop B2B messages for outreach campaigns via email and LinkedIn;Reach out to clients’ prospects on the clients’ behalf via email, Linkedin, and cold calling;Handling responses: work with objections, schedule appointments, follow-ups;Managing multiple clients;Ensure your database is updated and contains relevant prospect information;Be a credible resource and develop a trusted relationship with your client;Participate in team meetings, client events, and ongoing training;Requirements:Minimum of 6 months of experience in sales or at a similar client-facing role;Ability to work remotely both independently and within a team.Responsible, positive, and proactive attitude to work.Determined to consistently achieve sales goalsExperience in market research, industry reports, and articles to extract market insight;A person that loves relationship-building and enjoys problem-solving;A person who approaches sales open-mindedly.Bachelor degree required in Business studyManagement scienceA high level of professionalism, integrity, and discretion in handling confidential informationStrong verbal and written communication skills both in Bulgarian and EnglishWe offer: Competitive base salary;Monthly, quarterly, and yearly bonuses based on reached KPIs.Remote work/home officeAccess to our knowledge base and trainingWork computerForeign language skills (additional to English) will be considered as a plus. The candidates need to send a motivation letter in addition to their CV.


Standard Quality assurance engineer

Standard Quality assurance engineer


Standard Quality assurance engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти 3 000 лв QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or a similar university degree. At least 3 years of professional experience in a similar position. Experience in an... гр. София днес Наблюдавай QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or a similar university degree. At least 3 years of professional experience in a similar position. Experience in an Agile environment and QA practices. Fluent in English. Willing to travel. Practical experience in Linux and Windows Administration. Strong knowledge in Shell scripting. Understanding of OOP principles. Understanding of Functional programing principles. Strong networking expertise. Strong troubleshooting skills. Strong analytical skills and high attention to details. Experience in implementing integrated testing frameworks and metrics driven controls. Previous experience in testing large-scale applications. Excellent problem solving skills. Excellent interpersonal communication and teamwork. Ability to prioritize tasks and work independently. ANY OF THE FOLLOWING WILL BE CONSIDERED A STRONG PLUS: Experience with SQL and NoSQL databases like MongoDB Experience with Collaboration technologies Experience with Docker Experience with Kubernetes MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: Prepare and execute test cases for products under test. Identify product defect and perform analysis and debugging. Follow QA best practices. Perform final Production ready verifications of new releases. Troubleshooting deployment and environment related issues.


Sales Manager - food industry

Sales Manager - food industry


Sales Manager - food industry Работа › Мениджъри и експерти 2 550 лв Balkaninvest eu EOOD is a registered Bulgarian recruitment agency. Our services are licensed and supervised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. Our approach is t... гр. София днес Наблюдавай Balkaninvest eu EOOD is a registered Bulgarian recruitment agency. Our services are licensed and supervised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. Our approach is to support in particular companies with an international set-up to find employees that make a difference. For our customer, a leading multinational company in the Food, Cosmetic, Pharma and Detergent sector, we are looking for a motivated Sales Manager (food industry) for their Sofia office. You will manage a clear portfolio in the food sector and target key clients all over Bulgaria. Qualifications required: University Degree in Chemistry, Food technology, Biology, Medicine, Agriculture or similar is a must Sales experience (B2B sales) is a must Basic knowledge of flavours and the food industry in Bulgaria Extrovert and communicative character Fluent in English Excellent Computer skills (MS Office) Driver’s license – B category and active driver Willingness to travel frequently all over Bulgaria plus for occasional trainings outside Bulgaria Benefits: Intensive training Attractive salary package Bonus based on performance Company car, laptop and mobile phone Friendly team environment Opportunity for professional growth Working for a top player in the flavours and cosmetic ingredients industry This opportunity sounds attractive for you? Then send us your CV and cover letter in English language. Only short – listed candidates will be contacted. All information provided will be treated confidentially. Balkaninvest with recruitment license № 1757 and № 1758 issued by the National Agency of Employment.


Software Development Engineer (. NET), Junior

Software Development Engineer (. NET), Junior


Software Development Engineer (.NET), Junior Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти About UsInnovative Lab is a Bulgarian software development company established in 2011. We have a long-term strategic alliance with PLEX SYSTEMS, a U.S. company, the industry leader in cloud-based sma... гр. София днес Наблюдавай About Us Innovative Lab is a Bulgarian software development company established in 2011. We have a long-term strategic alliance with PLEX SYSTEMS, a U.S. company, the industry leader in cloud-based smart manufacturing solutions – MES, ERP, IIoT, SCP – changing the way manufacturers make things. Our primary scope is the development and support of Plex DemandCaster – cloud software for agile supply chain planning. About You Responsibilities: Design, implementation, and development of software.Analysis of existing problems and identification or development of system requirements.Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade existing systems.Ability to work independently and in a team environment Requirements: Solid fundamentals knowledge in OOP, design patterns, data structures.Experienced in C# - .Net Framework or .Net Core.Strong knowledge of ASP.NET and ASP.Net Core.Knowledge and experience with relational DBs - MS SQL Server.Knowledge and experience with JavaScript ES 5/6 and JavaScript frameworks.


Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

Senior Quality Assurance Engineer


Senior Quality Assurance Engineer Работа › IT специалисти и програмисти 4 000 лв Looking for Looking for Senior Quality Assurance Engineer: - BS/MS Degree in Computer Science or equivalent, with at least 3 years for relevant experience; - Good understanding of existing testing methodologies and technologies, experience in test automation; - Good understanding of DevOps/CI/CD princibles; - Knowledge in networking (TCP/IP, Routing, Firewall, etc.) - Analytical and problem solving skills - Team player You will be able to: - Work in cutting edge technological engineering team , exploring the next generation network virtualization products; - Design and implement software that improves the stability, scalability and performance of existing Virtualization applications; - Influence and evaluate new designs, architectures for future products;

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